What is Included In The New Campus?
WLA acquired 120 acres on highway 23 to accommodate our new school. There will be facilities for academics, worship, athletics, the arts, STEM, and other vital components necessary for a comprehensive, quality Christian education. The new site is centrally located for our Association churches and is easily accessible from the main highway
Our new campus is projected to be about 170K square feet compared to our current 110K square feet campus. Increased gymnasium space, a chapel/performing arts center, and a commons space are all needed additions to our building. We also will incorporate academic spaces we currently don't have for our growing STEM programming, technical trade classes, and agricultural programs. We also will provide an appropriate space for our special education programming and counseling services. With the outdoor space we will have, we look to add athletic fields we currently do not have on campus, along with the potential for outdoor spaces for our science department. Please keep in mind that much of the design is subject to change due to various factors.