Common Questions
Here are some answers to the most common questions about our new campus.
What will happen to our old campus?
Our planning has led us to the potential sale of our current campus to an interested party.
Won't the entrance be dangerous on Hwy. 23?
The safety of our students, staff, and guests is a major concern. We have worked with the town to request a traffic study that was recently completed. We understand that a roundabout will be placed at Esterbrook Road and Hwy. 23 in the near future.
Our entrance requirement will be dictated to us by the DOT. WLA will consider whether we need to do more than the minimum required by the DOT for our entrance. We want to have as many people entering our campus by turning right as possible.
We will also look to have an exit/entrance on the north side of the campus that will allow people to exit with a right-hand turn to return to Fond du Lac.
What have I heard about a development on unused land at the new site?
WLA is currently in negotiations to provide revenue to our project. These negotiations will raise the following questions:
How much land are we willing to give up?
What is the amount we need to receive to consider this?
Is the development a right fit for WLA as a neighbor?
What are the next steps?
Over the next few months, our boards and committees will study the following:
The potential development being finalized on unused lands.
Bringing utilities onto the campus for WLA and the development.
Studying and revising our long range plan for debt service.
The progress of our capital campaign.
When to take the next major steps in the design and planning of the campus.
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